Many people have been asking for a bottom dock instead of the default side positioning. Even tough I was very reluctant at the beginning for a variety of reasons, including lazyness and lack of personal interest for this particular design choice, I recently reconsidered this option.

Few people tried to adapt this extension to obtain a bottom dock, with a major working fork by the ozonos and Numix people that also landed on the extension website as Simple Dock. I’m going to reintegrate back their work.

Preview screenshot of the bottom dock

Some initial attempts thanks to the contribution of itproject are on the experimental_bottom_dock branch on Github. This has to be considered hightly experimental. It will take some time to land into the master branch, after a careful review and cleaning up of the code, the priority being the long term maintenability of the extension over new features. This work is slowly being carried out in the bottom_dock branch, from where the screenshot above come from.

These changes will allow the placementt of the dock also on the right edge of the screen, although I’ll take care of it later.

Follow the development on the Github projet page